Alexander the Great was credited of building the biggest empire in the shortest amount of time. He founded Alexandria in 331 B.C. Therefore, everyone thinks that he was the first conquerer at Alexandria, Egypt. However, scientists have discovered evidence that wasn't the first on there. But in the past few years, scientists have found fragments of ceramics. A Ceramic is the art or technology of making objects of clay.
Christopher Bernhardt and his colleagues took samples of sediment cores that went back as 8,000 years ago. He also took samples of embedded ancient pollen grains that might have been from native plants. Additionally, they studied levels of microscopic charcoal, that may indicate human fires.
However, Christopher read the book of Homer, the Odessey, the 4th book. It mentioned that a one day sail from the coast of the Nile, to the Island of the Pharohs. It suggests that there might have been a settlement there. Long before Alexander the Great had arrived at Alexandria. On the other hand, there are still questions if Alexander the Great wasn't the first one at Alxandria, or was.